Name: | Knight Owned |
Sex: | Male |
Level: | 725 |
Vocation: | Elite Knight |
a Member of | Lowly People |
Achievement Points: | 322 |
Achievement Rank: | Challenger |
Bosstiary Points: | 150 |
Charm Points: | 2.947 |
Charm Runes: | Freeze, Zap |
Last Login: | 20 Nov 2024, 00:31 → 20 Nov 2024, 00:32 |
Residence: | Thais |
Created at: | 07 Jul 2024, 21:46 |
Account Status: | Free Account |
Skull Type: | None |
Notifications: | 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban) |
Ban Status: | None |
Comment: |
- |
Date | Experience |
Today | No experience gained in this time. |
Yesterday | No experience gained in this time. |
30/11/2024 | No experience gained in this time. |
29/11/2024 | No experience gained in this time. |
28/11/2024 | No experience gained in this time. |
27/11/2024 | No experience gained in this time. |
26/11/2024 | No experience gained in this time. |
25/11/2024 | No experience gained in this time. |
Name | Grade | Points [+] Show all [-] Show less |
Allow Cookies? | 2 | |
Allowance Collector | 2 | |
Amateur Actor | 2 | |
Annihilator | 5 | |
Arachnoise | 1 | |
Archpostman | 3 | |
Aristocrat | 4 | |
Back into the Abyss | 1 | |
Beach Tamer | 2 | |
Bearhugger | 1 | |
Becoming a Bigfoot | 1 | |
Berserker | 3 | |
Blessed! | 2 | |
Blood-Red Snapper | 1 | |
Breaking the Ice | 1 | |
Call Me Sparky | 1 | |
Chequered Teddy | 1 | |
Choking on Her Venom | 1 | |
Cookie Monster | 1 | |
Crawling Death | 1 | |
Crystal Keeper | 1 | |
Crystals in Love | 1 | |
Cursed! | 3 | |
Dark Voodoo Priest | 2 | |
Death from Below | 2 | |
Death Song | 3 | |
Demonbane | 6 | |
Demonic Barkeeper | 3 | |
Depth Dwellers | 3 | |
Do Not Disturb | 1 | |
Doctor! Doctor! | 2 | |
Dream's Over | 1 | |
Dungeon Cleaner | 3 | |
Efreet Ally | 3 | |
Elite Hunter | 5 | |
Enter zze Draken! | 2 | |
Exemplary Citizen | 4 | |
Final Strike | 2 | |
Fool at Heart | 3 | |
Fountain of Life | 1 | |
Friend of Elves | 1 | |
Friend of the Apes | 4 | |
Gnome Friend | 2 | |
Gnome Little Helper | 1 | |
Gnomebane's Bane | 2 | |
Gnomelike | 3 | |
Gnomish Art Of War | 3 | |
Godslayer | 4 | |
Greenhorn | 2 | |
Grinding Again | 1 | |
Guardian Downfall | 4 | |
Happy Farmer | 1 | |
Herbicide | 8 | |
Hickup | 2 | |
High Inquisitor | 5 | |
High-Flyer | 4 | |
Hissing Downfall | 2 | |
Homebrewed | 1 | |
Honorary Barbarian | 1 | |
Honorary Gnome | 4 | |
Howly Silence | 1 | |
Huntsman | 2 | |
I Like it Fancy | 1 | |
Interior Decorator | 4 | |
Jinx | 2 | |
Just Cracked Me Up! | 2 | |
Kapow! | 1 | |
King of the Ring | 2 | |
Let the Sunshine In | 1 | |
Loyal Lad | 1 | |
Make a Wish | 1 | |
Marid Ally | 3 | |
Masquerader | 3 | |
Master of the Nexus | 6 | |
Master Thief | 4 | |
Matchmaker | 1 | |
Meat Skewer | 1 | |
Minor Disturbance | 2 | |
Mister Sandman | 2 | |
Natural Born Cowboy | 1 | |
Natural Sweetener | 1 | |
No More Hiding | 1 | |
Nothing Can Stop Me | 1 | |
Number of the Beast | 2 | |
One Foot Vs. Many | 1 | |
One Less | 2 | |
One Thousand and One | 6 | |
Oops | 2 | |
Party Animal | 1 | |
Pecking Order | 1 | |
Perfect Fool | 3 | |
Petrologist | 2 | |
Piece of Cake | 1 | |
Planter | 2 | |
Potion Addict | 4 | |
Rathleton Citizen | 1 | |
Rathleton Commoner | 1 | |
Rathleton Inhabitant | 1 | |
Recognised Trader | 3 | |
Ritualist | 6 | |
Rockstar | 3 | |
Rollercoaster | 1 | |
Rootless Behaviour | 1 | |
Safely Stored Away | 2 | |
Scorched Flames | 1 | |
Scrapper | 3 | |
Seasoned Adventurer | 1 | |
Secret Agent | 1 | |
Si, Ariki! | 1 | |
Silent Pet | 1 | |
Slim Chance | 1 | |
Something Smells | 1 | |
Something's in There | 1 | |
Spareribs for Dinner | 1 | |
Spore Hunter | 1 | |
Stepped on a Big Toe | 1 | |
Substitute Tinker | 1 | |
Swift Death | 6 | |
The Cake's the Truth | 1 | |
The Picky Pig | 1 | |
The Serpent's Bride | 2 | |
Top CGB Agent | 4 | |
True Dedication | 5 | |
Turncoat | 4 | |
Twisted Mutation | 1 | |
Vanity | 3 | |
Warlord of Svargrond | 5 | |
Wayfarer | 3 | |
With a Cherry on Top | 1 | |
Yalahari of Power | 3 | |
Zzztill Zzztanding! | 1 | |
Go with da Lava Flow | 1 | |
The Professors Nut | 3 | |
Sweet Tooth | 2 | |
Rathleton Squire | 1 | |
Millennial Falcon | 3 | |
Hunting Permit | 1 | |
Little Adventure | 1 | |
Contender | 3 | |
Skilled Hunter | 5 | |
Hippofoddermus | 1 | |
Buried the Baron | 1 | |
Duked It Out | 1 | |
Errand Boy | 1 | |
Light-Fingered | 3 | |
Ransom Guy | 2 | |
A Study in Scarlett | 3 |
Date | Details [+] Show all [-] Show less |
17 Aug 2024, 21:29 | Killed at level 659 by a hand of cursed fate Last Hit |
a dark torturer Most damage | |
dark magician, dark torturer, hunter, wild warrior, priestess, fire devil, dragon, monk, witch, dark apprentice, hero, warlock, lost soul, betrayed wraith and others ....Involved | |
16 Aug 2024, 01:31 | Killed at level 642 by usurper commander Last Hit |
hardened usurper knight of usurper commander, lion commander, hardened usurper warlock of usurper commander, lion archer of lion commander, lion warlock of lion commander, hardened usurper archer of usurper commander, lion knight of lion commander.Involved | |
27 Jul 2024, 02:28 | Killed at level 500 by a demon Last Hit |
fire elemental of demon, rot elemental, metal gargoyle, glooth blob, grim reaper, rustheap golem, glooth anemone, death blob.Involved | |
20 Jul 2024, 19:24 | Killed at level 391 by a serpent spawn Last Hit |
a medusa Most damage | |
medusa, giant spider, hydra, souleater, eternal guardian, nightmare, water elemental.Involved | |
19 Jul 2024, 23:09 | Killed at level 375 by a menacing carnivor Last Hit |
a spiky carnivor Most damage | |
spiky carnivor, iks aucar, carniphila, iks chuka, cursed ape, iks pututu, lumbering carnivor, spit nettle.Involved | |
19 Jul 2024, 22:22 | Killed at level 374 by a werelioness Last Hit |
a werelion Most damage | |
elder wyrm, drillworm, metal gargoyle, werelion, glooth anemone, devourer, white lion, blood beast, wyrm, glooth blob of glooth anemone, behemoth.Involved |
Date | Details [+] Show all [-] Show less |