Q. My client is freezing and not responding.
A. Try to open the TaleonLauncher.exe or the taleon.exe as administrator.
If you have avast, norton or any antivirus, put the taleon's directory in the exceptions.
Some bank programs can block the taleon client, please uninstall the bank program called WARSAW from your computer. Go to your windows configuration, search for remove and install programs, open and find WARSAW program and click in remove.
Who has windows 10 and windows defender do the following: Start > Settings > Update & security > Windows Defender > Open Windows Defender Security Center > Virus and Threat Protection > Virus and Threat Protection Settings > Controlled Folder Access > Set to off.
Q. My client is trying to update.
A. Close your client, go to the main installation folder and delete force patch.exe, then open your client again.
Q. How can i improve my FPS?
A. Go to options, graphics, choose OpenGL and leave it as shown in the image below and click OK
Now go to options, effects and uncheck Show Light Effects
You must need to close the client and open again to configurations take effect
When client open again, will ask to accept the new graphics configurations, click YES.
Q. How to import my old minimaps?
A. You can use the client system, clicking on Export Minimap.
The system will create a ZIP file, then just go to the new client and click on Import Options/Minimap, choose the ZIP file and that's it.
Q. How to import my old configurations and hotkeys?
A. You can use the client system, clicking on Export All Options.
The system will create a ZIP file, then just go to the new client and click on Import Options/Minimap, choose the ZIP file and that's it.
Q. My autoloot is not working correctly
A. Switch Loot option to "Shift+Right"
Q. I have blurry letters
A. Try to switch your graphics engine from "Auto-Select" to "DirectX Performance"
Q. Game window looks pixelated
A. Enable "Anti-Aliasing" in graphics options.
Q. Client is not working / I have OpenGL error
1) Close the client
2) Open the file /conf/clientoptions.json using a text editor
3) Find (Ctrl + F) the parameter renderer, which is followed by a number (ex: "renderer": 0)
4) Change this number to a value between 0 and 5, where:
0 = AutoSelect
1 = OpenGL
3 = Software
4 = DirectX (Compatibility)
5 = DirectX (Performance)
5) Save the file and try to open the client again
Q. Client is not accepting my video card
Close your client, go to the main installation folder, enter in the /conf folder, delete the gpublacklist.json file, then open your client again.
Adventurer's blessing
Players under the level 40 are protected by 'adventurer's blessing', and will not lose any equipment.
Upon reaching level 40, adventurer's blessing will be disabled and the player will be notified about it. The player will also receive all five blessings and Twist of Fate.
You can purchase all 5 blessings, at once from every major city temple priest or monk saying hi - bless - all - yes. The last 2 blessings, you need to purchase at own NPCs of each one (Heart of the Mountain of Svargrond and Blood of the Mountain of Port Hope).
Your character can buy the 5 normal blessings in the temples and the last 2 (Heart of the Mountain of Svargrond and Blood of the Mountain of Port Hope) from NPC Henricus.
If you prefer, you can buy the 7 blessings directly from NPC Henricus.
The price of blessings depends on your level.
You can check guild commands here.
Write !cmd or !commands to get a list of all commands with an explanation in the game.
Use the !pix command directly in the game to purchase your Taleon Coins quickly and securely via PIX. Only for Brazilians.
Opens the bonus screen to receive the training wand, this wand can only be taken once.
Shows how many VIP days your account has left.
Shows how many loyalty points you have and your title.
Only works as a VIP (On: The vials do not go to the bp, Off: The vials go to the BP).
Restarts your connection to optimize FPS.
Enables and disables automatic loot collection if you have a loot pouch.
Shows the minimum and maximum level to enable the shared experience with you.
Shows how long your PZ lock/logout block will expire.
Show which Boss is on dreamcourts.
List of players online.
Check your current rates.
Check the amount of crown tokens you have.
Check the amount of achievement points you have. You can also see your current achievement rank and the next.
Leave the house you own. You have to be inside the house. In the following server save the house will be empty and available for an auction.
This will cancel the command !leavehouse.
Trade your house with charname. You have to be inside the house and the player must be online and must be wthinin 3 sqms distance.
Check available quest bonuses!
Configure your own settings!
Start broadcasting and !stopcast to stop. You can use !cast <\password\> to start a cast protected with a password.
Use this command to see the lasted 5 changelogs (news).
Use this command to check the party shared bonus and other stuff related to parties.
Show charname's death list.
Players who reached the mainland can right-click on their character (or use the hotkey Ctrl + Y) and choose "prey system" from a context menu. This opens a window as shown in the screenshots further down this page. There are three prey slots:
From each of the prey slots you can choose one creature out of 9 creatures. These 9 creatures are randomly selected from a large pool of creatures, but there will always be 3 low-level creatures, 3 mid-level creatures and 3 high-level creatures. You can not repeat creature in the lists.
If you don't want to hunt any of the 9 creatures presented to you, you have several options:
After you selected a creature and a bonus, a timer will run for 2 hours when hunting any creature, not just the one you selected to hunt. When the 2 hours are over the creature your selected will vanish from the prey slot and you can select another one.
The moment you select a creature you receive a bonus with it. The bonuses are:
If you don't like the bonus you received you can do one of the following:
Each bonus has 10 steps and a reroll will always improve your current step (up to the maximum) and may change your bonus type. If you are already at step 10 the bonus type is guaranteed to change with a reroll.
The improved loot bonus works in the following manner. If you have an improved loot bonus with an effect of 15% this means there is a 15% chance that the monster will have another set of loot generated, basically it will behave as if you killed the monster twice.
When the time expires everything will be reset.