Name: | Snover |
Sex: | Male |
Level: | 643 |
Vocation: | Elder Druid |
a Member of | Armageddon |
Achievement Points: | 235 |
Achievement Rank: | Explorer |
Bosstiary Points: | 950 |
Charm Points: | 2.155 |
Charm Runes: | Curse |
Status: | ONLINE |
Residence: | Thais |
Created at: | 19 Aug 2024, 15:05 |
Account Status: | VIP Account |
Skull Type: | None |
Notifications: | 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban) |
Ban Status: | None |
Comment: |
- |
Date | Experience |
Today | No experience gained in this time. |
Yesterday | 2.730.396 |
16/01/2025 | 54.885.317 |
15/01/2025 | 14.677.341 |
14/01/2025 | 4.013.704 |
13/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
12/01/2025 | 196.289.159 |
11/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
Name | Grade | Points [+] Show all [-] Show less |
Amateur Actor | 2 | |
Archpostman | 3 | |
Aristocrat | 4 | |
Bearbaiting | 1 | |
Bearhugger | 1 | |
Becoming a Bigfoot | 1 | |
Beneath the Sea | 3 | |
Bone Brother | 1 | |
Brutal Politeness | 6 | |
Bunny Slipped | 2 | |
Call Me Sparky | 1 | |
Chequered Teddy | 1 | |
Crystal Keeper | 1 | |
Crystals in Love | 1 | |
Death from Below | 2 | |
Death Song | 3 | |
Demonbane | 6 | |
Demonic Barkeeper | 3 | |
Depth Dwellers | 3 | |
Do Not Disturb | 1 | |
Dragon Mimicry | 2 | |
Dread Lord | 8 | |
Dungeon Cleaner | 3 | |
Efreet Ally | 3 | |
Elite Hunter | 5 | |
Fata Morgana | 2 | |
Final Strike | 2 | |
Fountain of Life | 1 | |
Friend of the Apes | 4 | |
Gear Up | 3 | |
Gnome Friend | 2 | |
Gnome Little Helper | 1 | |
Gnomebane's Bane | 2 | |
Gnomelike | 3 | |
Gnomish Art Of War | 3 | |
Godslayer | 4 | |
Grinding Again | 1 | |
Guardian Downfall | 4 | |
High Inquisitor | 5 | |
Honorary Barbarian | 1 | |
Honorary Gnome | 4 | |
Huntsman | 2 | |
I Did My Part | 2 | |
Keeper of the Flame | 2 | |
Let the Sunshine In | 1 | |
Little Ball of Wool | 1 | |
Loyal Lad | 1 | |
Lucid Dreamer | 2 | |
Marid Ally | 3 | |
Master of the Nexus | 6 | |
Master Thief | 4 | |
Mastermind | 3 | |
Matchmaker | 1 | |
Merry Adventures | 2 | |
Natural Born Cowboy | 1 | |
Navigational Error | 5 | |
Number of the Beast | 2 | |
One Foot Vs. Many | 1 | |
Out of the Stone Age | 3 | |
Party Animal | 1 | |
Rathleton Citizen | 1 | |
Rathleton Commoner | 1 | |
Rathleton Inhabitant | 1 | |
Recognised Trader | 3 | |
Ruthless | 5 | |
Safely Stored Away | 2 | |
Seasoned Adventurer | 1 | |
Skull and Bones | 6 | |
Slim Chance | 1 | |
Something's in There | 1 | |
Spore Hunter | 1 | |
Substitute Tinker | 1 | |
The Picky Pig | 1 | |
Turncoat | 4 | |
Wayfarer | 3 | |
Yalahari of Power | 3 | |
Go with da Lava Flow | 1 | |
The Professors Nut | 3 | |
Rathleton Squire | 1 | |
Fairy Teasing | 1 | |
Millennial Falcon | 3 | |
Hunting Permit | 1 | |
Contender | 3 | |
Skilled Hunter | 5 | |
Well Roared, Lion! | 1 | |
Lacewing Catcher | 3 | |
Beyonder | 3 | |
Buried the Baron | 1 | |
Errand Boy | 1 | |
Bibliomaniac | 3 | |
Raider in the Dark | 6 | |
A Study in Scarlett | 3 | |
Like Fox and Mouse | 3 | |
No Horse Open Sleigh | 3 |
Date | Details [+] Show all [-] Show less |
09 Jan 2025, 22:18 | Killed at level 617 by lord azaram Last Hit |
06 Jan 2025, 09:55 | Killed at level 609 by a glooth powered minotaur Last Hit |
a moohtant Most damage | |
minotaur amazon, moohtant, depowered minotaur, execowtioner, worm priestess, minotaur invader.Involved | |
16 Nov 2024, 08:47 | Killed at level 501 by a lava creature Last Hit |
a the end of days Most damage | |
13 Nov 2024, 09:40 | Killed at level 500 by the pale worm Last Hit |
12 Nov 2024, 21:07 | Killed at level 501 by a thanatursus Last Hit |
a crazed summer rearguard Most damage | |
crazed summer rearguard, dark faun, insane siren, boogy, crazed summer vanguard, arachnophobica.Involved | |
01 Nov 2024, 11:15 | Killed at level 483 by a gorerilla Last Hit |
a sabretooth Most damage | |
01 Nov 2024, 11:12 | Killed at level 484 by an emerald tortoise Last Hit |
sabretooth, hulking prehemoth, gorerilla.Involved | |
23 Oct 2024, 09:17 | Killed at level 482 by an emerald tortoise Last Hit |
22 Oct 2024, 13:45 | Killed at level 479 by the pale worm Last Hit |
18 Oct 2024, 22:14 | Killed at level 456 by an insane siren Last Hit |
a crazed summer rearguard Most damage | |
crazed summer rearguard, weakened frazzlemaw, enfeebled silencer, boogy, crazed summer vanguard, dark faun.Involved |
Date | Details [+] Show all [-] Show less |