Guild Information

Elite Aura

Rank: Name: Level:
the Leader Crush190 No vocation
a Vice-Leader Archer Zorgz283 No vocation
Cleraro Rookstar194 No vocation
Dimebag Darrell248 No vocation
a Member Bhaskar142 No vocation
Glauber162 No vocation
Guardiao Rookstayer178 No vocation
Jerber113 No vocation
PetecoOnline 81 No vocation
Principessa134 No vocation
Sailor Sabriny250 No vocation
Tampa163 No vocation
Trento127 No vocation
Udyr181 No vocation
Viel Rookstar165 No vocation
Zoworook136 No vocation

Members Online 1 out of 16
Highest Level Archer Zorgz (283)
Average Level 171
Lowest Level Peteco (81)
Total Level 2747

This guild is currently not involved in a guild war.